
Welcome to Wonder Frog World

Who are the Wanda Friends?

They are frog fairies who are residents of Wanda World. They occupy the lush green planet of Travell, where all inhabitants live in harmony with nature and respect each other's individuality, coexisting without any trouble.

The main character is called Wanda. His home can be found deep in the rich forest of Noiel. There live the Wanda Friends, whom like humans, come in different colors and personalities. They may also have some quirky animal companions and interesting friends.

All Wanda friends have different names and occupations, representing the different roles in society. For example, some of them are baristas and run their own cafes and some are store owners whose businesses get passed on from generation to generation.

They love dressing up! Anyone can become a fashion designer and come up with various outfits for them, applying their own sense of style and creativity. Of course, taking photos for posterity is essential and you are free to share your proud styling on social media. Make sure to tag us @wonderfrog_j on Instagram and @wanda_frog on Twitter, with the hashtag, #wonderfrog. This will also give customers a chance to join our active and vibrant online international community of WF lovers.

We hope you will find your favorite Wanda friends and incorporate them into your family. Have a Wanda-ful life with Wonder Frog!