
Teten Cumu and Kairo Rooney

Dear Wanda Family,

Following the love-filled dolls of February, we have another fantastic group of friends to introduce this month.

First up is Teten Cumu, a mushroom person from Sky City. Kind but introverted, he is one of Hapi’s good friends. Despite his shy exterior, he is kind of an artist. He loves drawing swirls, and everywehre he goes he would try to draw them on pavement floors, or street walls. He hopes to one day draw a picture of Hapi on a humongous cloud in the vast sky. Right now, he is most excited about eating lunch with Hapi everday.

He sports a stunning, glitterry purple umbrella hat, that has white spots. His eyes, like Hapi’s, are also uniquely painted. His complexion is a translucent lavender, providing an endearing overall look.

And launching with him is Kylo Rooney, a tadpole person also from Sky City. He has a transparent purple body, which when hit by sunlight, reflects a kaleidoscope of shadows and colorful expressions. His cheeks are painted with dragon whiskers and his eyes have the anime sparkling effect. The overall look is definitely eccentric but mysteriously fascinating.

He lives on Sky Island, where the rain clouds are made. He is always dozing off, however, he would occasionally engage in small talk with visitors and then, would come up to the cloud giants, the arbiter of storms, to ask for rain on their behalf. He says he is the illegitimate son of a dragon that lived in the Sky City, in ancient times. Whether that is true or not, the fact remains: he is one interesting character.

Now, we want to announce our next month’s color theme, for our Instagram Photo Contest, #wonderfrogcolorful. March’s color is pink! We would love to see pictures of Wanda Friend Florent and Noiel Forest Friend Hapi, from last month, in your Insta posts. And of course, together with the other pink dolls from your Wonder Frog collection. Next month, the color is purple. We hope that you consider including the new March dolls in your shopping cart, so you can include them in your photo entires for April. We are looking forward to your many submissions!

The release date will be on March 26, 2024, Tuesday, at 7:00 PM Japan Time.

As always, thank you for your continued support. Have a wanda-ful day and see you again, in Spring!


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